Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Car Protective Services

We all know stories of Child Protective Services taking away children... but why not a similar service for the car. This is what I propose.

If you like cars, chances are you come across websites like barnfinds.com. These websites specialize in old abandoned cars, normally muscle cars or classics, that have been left to rot in sheds and barns. Whilst watching the step by step restoration of these timeless classics is fascinating, I always get extremely enraged whenever I see something like an old 1964 Ford Mustang just sitting in someone's yard as a heap of rusted scrap because they couldn't be bothered with the upkeep of such a magnificent vehicle. So I have come up with a plan. Whenever someone purchases either a car with a quite a bit of value of $200,000 or more, or a car that has potential to hold a large value, they will have to sign a Car Protective Services plan. This means that once every two or three years, the vehicle owner will get a visit from a brand representative to check up on the vehicle. As long as the vehicle isn't in terrible condition or completely abandoned, everything will be fine. But if a brand representative finds that the car has been neglected, such as the Ferrari F50 seen below, the owner will be fined a hefty price for "neglect of classics."

This particular F50 had animals living in it and was rusting away. Of course, the amount of money on the fine would be tied to the value of the car. As of right now, a good condition F50 costs around 1.6 to 2 million dollars. A reasonable fine for a car of this value would be anywhere from $100,000 to $350,000. a system like this, with such measures, would be harsh, but fair. Certain things such as disability of the owner and whether or not the car had been gifted or inherited since the last inspection, would be taken into account. As I have previously said, it would be harsh, but if you can afford to buy the car in the first place, you should be able to afford the upkeep. This system will allow cars that are considered "amazing" or "classic" today to continue to be just that and would result in a lot less of this...

And a lot more of this...