Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Smart Car

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Mercedes-Benz is known for creating relatively luxurious cars, normally for upper middle class and above. They have been responsible for some of the sleekest and most iconic cars of the last 100 years. From the iconic gull-wing roadster, to the SLK and SLS, not to mention the Mercedes-Benz AMG performance car decision, Mercedes has made some super cool cars. However, there is, as is the case with most brands, an elephant in the room. A company that is owned by Mercedes-Benz and their parent/partner company Daimler AG. I’m talking about SMART. Founded in 1994, the brand is known for making a car that looks the same, with small differences that turn it from bland and boring, to a squished jelly-bean. Apart from the 2003 SMART roadster, which never even saw release in the United States, the designs have been as bland and boring as the late 90’s and early 2000’s muscle cars. SMART tries to make their cars more eye-catching colors, such as the eye-burning yellow that will look perfectly at home when your brakes give out while pushing the car to the built in limiter on the highway and you end up embedded in a hazard sign post. After 2014, only SMART-ELECTRIC cars were released in America. A marketing and advertising campaign for the most recent SMART convertible called it “the perfect car to drive with your family along sunny roads by the beach, filled with compact elegance.” How High were they when they wrote that? The car is a two-seater, and the second a child touches the damn thing, it will tip over, so don’t even think about driving too close to s lovely beach view cliff, unless you want to experience first-hand what it is like to have a midget wet-weather wheel chair compacted into a nice ball... a ball that probably had better mobility and a better turning circle than it did before. Also, there is no reason for a digital speed limiter to even exist in this car, except for the fact that if you go to fast, say 116 mph down a hill, the whole thing starts shaking like a Yugo That has just come down from a crack high. It is a car meant to fit in alleyways between buildings, and cramped spaces in building and driveways in big cities. Also, if you are just over 6 foot 3, you might always have to have the roof open, or risk getting the worlds most bruised head other than a victim of a wrecking-ball drop. The glass used to make the windows in 2010 and 2015 had to be redesigned 5 tones to fit industry standards. Also, for the money you pay, for an electronic model, even without the performance package, you are better off buying one of little electric cars they make for kids. Seriously, this is a problem if biblical proportions. And it needs to be stopped.

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