Thursday, March 1, 2018

Toyota Prius

Imagine being around eight years old in 1997 and your dad has just got a big holiday bonus and, one night, he says he is going to trade in your family's old car and get a new one. The entire family is exited and waits on the doorstep leading into the driveway, ready to see what the new car will be. Maybe a Ford or a Chevy. Now imagine your sad face as your dad pulls into the driveway in a car that looks like a reject from the recycling plant.

Now fast forward to today where Toyota still makes cars that look and sound worse then Donald Trump's most recent midnight Tweet. Toyota's hunk of junk hybrid known as the Prius has changed a few times in terms of styling over the years, if you can call it styling that is. They appear to create each new design of the car by squeezing it through the new cheapest Play-Doh press and seeing what shape would look at home in a town's land fill. Despite all this, the Toyota Prius is the city of San Francisco, California. This means that lots of people in San Francisco have at leas a small thing wrong with the way their brains function.

But enough of the history of this crappy tin can, lets talk about the car itself. Now, I ride in a 2011 white Toyota Prius most of the time. Trust me, it was not by choice. It was either the Japanese ride from hell, or a 2006 Ford Focus station wagon, a car that has such bad steering you might as well need a boating licence to drive it. But anyway, lets us talk about the car's interior.  Most car's interior gets BETTER as the time goes on.  This is not the case with the Prius. Interior improvements for the Prius series stopped around 2009. Here is a question for all you readers. Do any of you have memories of riding in a car, possibly in the back, maybe late at night, and propped your head against the side of the door, just below the window, to have a little snooze and make the ride go by faster? I'm guessing that most of you have memories at least similar to that. What's that you say? You would like to attempt that in a Prius? Well, I'm sorry but that is almost impossible. That is mostly because the top of the door of a Prius, where you would rest your head, is solid plastic of the worst kind imaginable. Every time the Prius hits even the smallest of bumps, and sometimes when you don't hit anything at all, the impact can be felt on all inner-door panels.  This flings your head off off the door and flings you out of your dreams of a better car, so basically any car but a Prius. Before you can recover from this sudden shock, the weight of your head and the force known as gravity, will slam your head painfully against the glass of the awful plastic of the door frame. The same horrible plastic can be found on the dashboard.

So I think I might have given some solid consumer advice. NEVER OWN A PRIUS... EVER!


  1. I actually liked my Prius OK, and then I let it back out of my driveway and get totalled! I like my new car better!!! (This is your Aunt D.)
