Monday, July 23, 2018

Car Spotting: Art On Wheels

I am most likely going to do a review on this awesome car on my blog this afternoon...
I am most likely going to do a review on this awesome car on my blog this afternoon...

I am most likely going to do a review on this awesome car on my blog this afternoon...

San Francisco is an amazing city  filled with good food, good people, fun and interesting places, art, and of course, cars. And sometimes those things collide, as seen in the photos above. This vehicle, it appears to be a Volkswagen Van/Deluxe Type, was found on Stockton Street, just outside of San Francisco’s iconic and recognized Pier 39. It it a rolling art show, covered in what appear to be hand made paintings of San Francisco, as well as a massive  tie-dye  Swirl that takes up most of the vehicles front end, apart from the windshield that has been kept clear of any obstructions, paint related or otherwise, due to legal driving conditions. From the quick shots I was able to get of the vehicle as it drove over the hill and through the intersection, it appears to be made of all original parts and pieces. The vibrant and bright paint on the front and sides of the vehicle throws the non painted parts, the hub caps, window lining, bumper and faded  roof, in to sharp relief. There are quite a few  artistic cars in San Francisco, this just happens to be the only one I actually got a shot of last week. And I’m very glad I was able to see it.

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