Tuesday, January 9, 2018

1955 BMW Isetta

1955 BMW Isetta Review 

Kids love bubbles, and some kids love cars. So, logically, someone at BMW motors decided to make something that looks a little bit like a car, but a whole lot more like an egg inside a bubble. That, in turn, lead to the creation of the unfortunate BMW Isetta. What the people at BMW were smoking when the gave the okay on this car, I’m not quite sure. Whatever it was however, this car found it’s way onto the production line in 1955, alongside cars such as the elegant BMW 501. It may have paved the way for the BMW 600 four-seater micro car, but that doesn’t stop the whole world from laughing at Germany’s first attempt at putting a bowling ball on wheels, Haven’t seen one? I don’t blame you as they aren’t exactly common. And even if someone is luck, or stupid enough, to actually own one, you wouldn’t see them driving it around. Not only because you would look like you were in a clown car on your way to join the circus, but also because if you if you got into an accident in this thing, which is fairly likely, the repair costs would be about the same as for a Lamborghini Gallardo because of how hard it would be harder to find replacement parts for the car. In the bright side, if you were involved in an accident, their would not be a lot left to repair, unless you are the type of person who walks into a car repair shop and says “Hello, I need a full repair job on my 1955 BMW Isetta.” Before holding up a flat metal pancake, pointing at it and saying “car.” To the confused repair man. This egg on wheels could achieve 78 mpg and a top speed of Of annoyingly slow. A seriously funny car.

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