Thursday, September 13, 2018

Aston Martin DB5: One Of The Most Iconic Cars Ever Made

Yes, there was once a time where cars were actually allowed to look this good. Sadly, the art of building a car with a beautiful shape to last generations has been lost. That is why, in a modern age of flat-body Lamborghini's and Ferrari clones with absolutely nothing that makes them unique except for the price tag and top speed, it is always good to remember what a truly beautiful and rare car looks like. That is why, today, in this article, I hope to give you a taste of the glory and pure beauty and brilliance that is the iconic Aston Martin DB5.

First of all, to any person on  this planet who is lucky enough to own any version of this car, you a god among the race of man. Second of all, if you are the sort of person who owns such a magnificent vehicle and had chosen to neglect it, sitting in an abandoned shed perhaps, then you deserve to be thrown into the fires of hell for all eternity.

Anyway, now I have gotten that out of the way, time for the actual review. Just a quick heads up, expect nothing buy pure love for this car. So if you are looking for a hate review on this beauty of the road and silver screen, look elsewhere, although I imagine it might be hard to find one.

So, where to start. Well, I suppose a good a place as any to start would be to talk about what exactly makes this car an icon of the motoring world. So, as many people already know, Aston Martin is a British based car company that specializes in making extremity beautiful luxury suparcars. However they may not be as popular  as they are today without a little film called Gold Finger. That's right, it is almost impossible to talk about the Aston Martin DB5 without mentioning the James Bond film Gold Finger, or the other way around for that matter. The film has been regarded as one of, not only the greatest Bond films of all time, but also one of the greatest films of all time. Anyway, the film was, and still is very popular through almost all viewing audiences, and the Aston martins work of beauty was one of the reasons why. Not only did it really kickstart the whole cars aspect of the Bond film franchise, an aspect that has since then never be forgotten, but it was also front and center in the film. Even though the car was covered in some of the coolest extras of all time, such as a blades coming from the wheels and an ejector seat, but the film also did a brilliant job of showcasing the cars glory. The film made it absolutely clear that the car didn't need any extra gadgets to make the car look amazing... it already was. The car has made a few other returns to the Bond film series in one of the best Bond films and best films of all time, Goldeneye, and another main role in the epic 50th anniversary Bond film Sky Fall, this time as Bond's own personal vehicle. Don't feel two bad that the vehicles got destroyed as, for one thing, the ones that got destroyed were stunt vehicles, and secondly, Bond basically bestows the kiss of death upon any vehicle he drives. And hey, as proven in the film Spectre, at least the steering wheel survives from Sky Fall.

Anyway, now we have cover the DB5's main film appearances we can talk about that cost of this elegant motoring machine. Simply put... it's a lot. In more refined terms, listings online from the Classic Driver website price the vehicle at anywhere from around $783,370 to around  $1,109,775, and that isn't even counting the Price On Request ones, which are even more expensive. So, what do you get if you have this much cash to spend on a car that you won't even drive more than a hundred days a year due to ridicules insurance? Well let me tell you.  First off you get a beautifully designed and hand crafted motor vehicle that tops out at around 145, mph, hey if you were in this for the mind blowing top speed you should be looking for modern supercars and hypercars. Next, the care comes with a 4.0 L engine that packs  282 brake horsepower and a ; a new robust ZF five-speed transmission as well as  three SU carburettors, and that is only in the base model. The DB5  also came standard with reclining seats, wool carpets, electric windows, twin fuel tanks, chrome wire wheel hubs, an oil cooler, built in magnesium-alloy body built to the superleggera patent technique, exquisite full leather trim in the cabin and even a fire extinguisher for safety reasons. All versions of the car have two doors and are of a 2+2 configuration. The car even handles beautify.

And there you have it, the car that is the reason why true motoring enthusiast would gladly give up their home and healthcare and move into a trailer park to be able to purchase one of the finest cars man has ever made.

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