Tuesday, September 11, 2018

The PT Looser (2005 PT Cruiser Convertible)

Okay... this one is bad. Really, really bad. As if the normal hard-top version of this hipster shitbox wasn't bad enough, they had to go and give it a convertible roof that is so bad the modern Volkswagen Beetles are laughing. The 2005 PT Cruiser Convertible is a nightmare of bad taste and even worse craftsmanship. How bad is it exactly? well, keep reading this article to find out. With that out of the way, lets dive in.

First off, let's talk about who actually likes this car.  Well, almost no one does. This car was so bad it even ranked as the 16th Worst Car Of All Time in an article published by The Street. However, there are a few people who like this car, for some reasons. Most of those people fall into one main ctagoy. This is the category that we, the general public, like to call "The Dumbasses." These are the idiots are ones who fall for the low price tag gimmick. You can get a  of the 2005 PT Cruiser in great used condition for under $5,000. But should you? Hell no! The dumbasses who buy vehicles like this tent to have one thing on their minds. that being, cheap, low-level, convertible muscle, despite its many flaws. Honestly, i didn't think I'd be writing these word but, save up just a bit more cash and buy a 2005 Ford Mustang convertible... even a V6 version. Honestly, the more and more I learn about the 2005 PT Cruiser Convertible, the more and moor a convertible V6 Ford Mustang of the same year begins to look like the greatest car in existence.

Remember when, a few lines ago, I mentioned that " The dumbasses who buy vehicles like this tent to have one thing on their minds. that being, cheap, low-level, convertible muscle, despite its many flaws." Well, here is where I talk about those many, many flaws. This could be a long list so strap in.

First off, the steering. I'm pretty sure most of you readers have either been on a bumpercar or seen one in  action. They slide around like they are on ice. People enjoy bumping into each other in the presuit of fun. Well, it is a similar experince behind the wheel of the 2005 PT Cruiser Convertible, just instead of whooping and laughing when you slam into another car, you will be explaining to your mechanic, car insurance company and hospital why you make an average of three to five appointments a month. Seriously, the 2005 PT Cruiser Convertible was ranked #1 in worst steering for vehicles of its class that year. Another problem this vehicle was known for was what happened when it got too cold out. Some vehicles, normally older ones, have problems starting up when the temperature drops. However, this vehicle got complaints right out of the gate. Not only would it not start but, due to a lack of sealing under the hood, the temperature would cause such problems as bad ignition starts, damaged plugs and wires, and even engine frost, a frost damage related problem where the en=gine freezes over. These problems were even worse than the ones found in BMW's 2005 M3. And to top it off, some of these problems occurred at temperatures starting at 38 degrees. Speaking of weather related problems, say you were driving along on a sunny day with the top down in almost any other modern convertible. The, all of the sudden, it starts to rain. No problem right? You just put the top up. Well good luck with that in the 2005 PT Cruiser Convertible. This was because this accident prone roof was known to get stuck about 1 of every 3 to 4 tries. Next, we have the interior design, or, lack there of. It looked like a pseudo-luxury Saturn Ion crossed with the interior of the 2005  Ford Focus Station Wagon. 

See what I mean? Absolutely terrible. It looks like it may have been designed by a depressed preschooler who is high as hell off of sniffing glue. Seriously, I made fun of the Toyota Prius for having a plastic-filled interior bet even that wasn't this bad. Now we can talk about the aborted whale fetus baby that is the exterior of the vehicle. That was putting it nicely. The car starts off halfway between the fires of hell and a shitter by keeping the a;ready appallingly horrible design that made the original hard top version so bad. The not to mention that they didn't make any effort at all to make the roof support bar mesh with the rest of the car, if you can even call it a car. The result is a convertible that looks worse than Tanner's Chevy Express Van convertible that he built for Top Gear USA's Alaskan Convertible episode... at least Tanner's convertible was fully functional for what they needed itto do AND HE COULD DRIFT IT. Last but certainly not least, the brake issues. Yeah, they were pretty bad. The brakes not only wore out very, very quickly,but there were even reports of them failing without even leaving the dealership. There are some more repairs, hospital bills and insurance forms for you top sign. This car will, in a verry quick time, cost the ovner not only more mony than it is worth, which is $0.00 by the way, but will also cost more than it cost to purchase in the first place.

Now, if you'll excuse me, i must now go look at some Ford Pintos and Yugos to get my sanity back. 

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